Eric and I are presently sitting in "Being There" coffee shop in Altoona IA awaiting our pizza buffet at Pizza Ranch. We drove down from Minneapolis yesterday morning to be a part of a Sr. Class Retreat at Grandview Park Christian School. We had a wonderful time playing football, seeing the largest log possible burn in a bon fire, eating Pat's delicious coffee cake (a shout-out to the mother-in-law), and interacting & discussing Jesus' words in Matthew 6. We have asked ourselves tough questions such as:
"Why do we do the things we do as followers of Jesus? What are our motives? Are we living our lives in search of man-made accolades or for the joy of our Father?
Who is our master...God or money?
Are we seeking first the Kingdom of God? Will we live lives of faith...trusting God to provide our meals and clothing?
My hope is that these discussions will push us to complete, holistic, and transformational change. I pray these followers of the way of Jesus will flesh out following Jesus in Des Moines, IA so the Kingdom of God will be advanced.
Thanks to everyone at the retreat. We felt a part of your group these 24 hours. Much love!
thank you for the words you shared from matthew 6. although probably everyone in my class has heard or read that passage before, i feel God really made it real for my class and myself. i think we are a tough group to speak to...(we don't always interact the most) but i'm thankful that you stuck with us.---by the way just to make you feel better, i was actually on the verge of saying something. you read my face correctly. thanks again.
I knew it. I feel much better about my reading people skills once again!
Thats funny. Thanks a lot for coming down to speak. Its so easy to drift through high school with no direction other than 'make it through with grades I'm proud of' and 'having some fun here and there'. Gettin' out of the routine ,enjoying time with my class, and hearing your speak out of Matt. 6 was fun and mindset changing. I've run into you a couple times before at IRBC camp for a retreat and in Minn. for Grandview's ski trip. I hope rewards flow in for you because of your ministry and faith.
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