What am I getting myself into...
Abby and Nicole have inspired me! I have committed to joining them for a half-marathon run in June. The run will help an organization whose mission is to end youth homelessness... so it is a good cause. I have been toying around with the idea for the last couple of years to run an actual marathon. It is one of those "do it before I die dreams" I would like to accomplish. I have a psychotic brother-in-law that has challenged me to do it with him. So, the half-marathon is like my testing out thing to see if I have what it takes to do the real-deal marathon. All that to say... because of the training I will be spending a lot of time over the next four months with Little Jimmy (the affectionate name for my ipod shuffler). I am in need of beneficial, intriguing, and take-my-mind-off-of-my-sore-legs podcasts. Suggestions please!!!

Well Jamie,
I just wanted to say that i think it is great you will be running. I must suggest that you get your running products from my current place of employment. Feel free to check out the website at www.nationalrunningcenter.com
Well thats my little sales pitch
hope all is well with you and the family, praying for you and rejoicing with the news of scottie
Is this the year of the half-marathons? I know SO MANY people doing that this year. Anyway, I know it's totally funny to see worlds collide. My mom was so happy to meet your sister, and she was dying at how cute Isaac and Mikayla are and how much my kids love them. =)
wear the shorts.
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