One great reason for having three girls is Valentine's Day seems a bit more special. I'm not sure how comfortable I would feel giving my son (Gus of course) a little Valentine's Day card with heart candy. Anyway...I got up and made my girls heart shaped chocolate chip pancakes and had their Valentines Day cards (which I made on my own -- did you know I had such skills?) on the table. They came downstairs and were completely estatic. It was a wonderful morning!
I dropped Tori off at the bus stop and watched her get on the bus. The depressing thought hit me as I drove away...When will a Valentine's Day card, special breakfast, and gift from dad not be enough anymore to complete her Valentine's Day bliss? At what point will Valentine's Day be incomplete without the Valentine's Day recognition from another male? I immediately pushed those thoughts to the back of my mind and went back to my ignorance...believing she will always just need me.
Happy Valentine's Day everyone!
Happy Valentine's Day to the Miller clan!
How come Eric and Lisa's new blog isn't linked yet? You can find it hiding on Ab's blog.
Eric must want his blog hidden on this site. He is the administrator. I only have the liberty to make posts on this blog. He likes to have control over me.
#1 - why can't i see any image in this post? #2 - the link is listed on the side with everyone else. #3 - everyone knows that Jamie is the master, and I just do his bidding. He really doesn't want to concern himself with what he call 'the small stuff', that's why he passes it on to me.
Way to go on the card making Jamie. Maybe you could get into Creative Memories! You know be one of those dealers who has home parties. ha ha seriously great move you are a good dad
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