Ohio/Iowa trip
Well, the Millers just returned from Ohio (basketball camp & speaking) and IA (visit our newest niece). We had a wonderful trip but it was marvelous to sleep in my own bed last night. Our mattress has one of those little extra small mattresses built on top of the regular mattress (as you can see I have no idea what the name is). I missed that little guy. I slept like a slumbering bear for seven solid blissful hours. Anyway, I put some pics on here from the b-ball camp. Many wonderful aspiring shooters attended. If they don't end up shooting like me, I consider it a successful venture. There should be a new podcast soon at itunes with my chat from Sunday at Immanuel Baptist Churcy as well. We will try and keep this blog updated more frequently in the near future. Well, we at least believe we will try at this point.

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