Over the last several months I have received E-mails & phone calls and have had i-chat & face-to-face conversations about Emergent. Questions like this seem to always be asked: What do you think about Emergent? Is Consumed Ministries a part of Emergent? Do you think Emergent waters down the Gospel? Etc., etc., etc. For whatever reason (most likely laziness so now I can just refer people to this post when I'm questioned) I decided to blog about this topic. I want to start by saying something -- I encourage each of you to personally read the books, blogs, & websites and listen to the podcasts available from people that are a part of Emergent Village. The common trend I have found from those that ask me questions is that they have heard things about Emergent but have never explored for themselves. The other popular thing to do is to make up your mind concerning Emergent based on someone else's views rather than study, evaluate, and pray over Emergent and come up with your own opinions. Honestly, that is just lazy. If you really are curious, the resources are available to you. Moving on... I have read books from those in Emergent such as The Secret Message of Jesus, A Generous Orthodoxy, and Church: Re-Imagined. I listen to podcasts from Doug Pagitt, attended his church, and he did a podcast with Consumed Network. I read the blogs of Mark Scandrette, Tony Jones, and Doug Pagitt. Eric and I have been attending the Twin Cities Cohort the last few months as well. This is what I have discovered about the men and women of Emergent either through listening, reading, or personal encounters: -- They love Jesus. They really do! They are moved by a love for Him. They desire to follow Him no matter what because He is Lord of their life. -- They love people. They desire to take the love of Jesus to both the poor & the rich, the weak & the strong, to those on the political right & the political left, those seen by the public eye & those in the margins, and those who grew up inside the walls of organized religion & those who did not. They believe God is active in the world today, redeeming all of creation. They just want to join in what He is doing. -- They love the church. -- They are incredibly smart. When I'm done reading a chapter of a book, or finished listening to a podcast, or come home from a cohort gathering, my head stinking hurts! They are incredibly studious. They know the Bible! They believe all areas of life are theological so they base their views on any subject with much thought. Do I agree with everything I have read, seen, or heard? No. But do I agree with everything I have read, seen, or heard from anyone? Absolutely not! I believe my life and my community's life has been enriched as a result of the time spent reading, listening, and participating with those of Emergent. I'm glad God intersected my paths with theirs. I wish them all the best in their future endeavors. I encourage you, once again, to explore on your own. Once you have done that, drop me a line and we can continue this conversation.
loved the post bud!
Thank you for a refreshing response to the constant emergent questioners. So often it feels like people ask because they want to judge. Your invitation to personally join the conversation is exactly the point, and that's quite encouraging to hear, especially from a baptist. ;)
heard tony speak today i would say you are right on jamie. i would agree with your evaluation. and i have more to write about this. the thoughts in this little brain of mine have totally been jogged. which is the point i think of the conversation. look forward to chatting more on this.
please send gretchen my hellos love her blogging
dave and i have had many many conversations regarding the emergent movement. dave has read some of the books by some of the leaders and we continue to try to broaden our knowledge of what it is all about. what i can say from what i know so far, is while it is obvious they love God and love the church, there are still alot of red flags in my head as far as the doctrine of their foundations and the methodology they use. we decided to leave a church that was leaning heavily towards emergent because we felt too many vital things were being taken away and was starting to be so watered down that Scripture was not emphasized in a biblical way. i could go into more detail, but this isn't necessarily the place. as i stand now, still not knowing as much as i'd like to, i am very cautious about accepting the movement. i have already seen that some of the outcomes have led to a lax view of Scripture and a desire to make people more comfortable instead of preaching the Gospel. i am still learning and will continue to keep my mind open until i am able to have a solid opinion. but until then, i stand against it.
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