Dan & Heidi
It definitely was an adventure traveling to Lowry, SD for the wedding of Dan & Heidi Shearer. I never have seen anything quite like this small town. The wedding was beautiful and had Dan & Heidi's personalities written all over it. They are married now, honeymooning in Montana, and celebrating their new life together. God is good! Enjoy the pictures.
thats so awesome.
i wish we were still there....
Love the fire truck. I might be a bit biased though.
For those of you who followed the Lowry, SD link to the Wikipedia site, I have a little disclaimer for you. "Ghost town" probably evokes images of tumbleweeds blowing across a dusty street as a ragged cowboy on a tired horse plods through town. Well, we do have tumbleweeds but it isnt THAT bad! We do have more than 10 people now, which I calculate to be a 20% increase in population since 2000, which is pretty incredible, especially since most of the gains have come in the 0-18 age group. So we must be doing something right to attract the young people!!!
We also have a garage/coffee shop (sorry, no lattes) and volunteer fire department, which brought out half its fleet for the Shearer/Huber wedding.
Ghost town? Spare me!!!
I was told by my wife to assure you that the previous post was written to be humorous, and that I am not offended by anyone's jokes about Lowry being small!
After spending some time with you on Friday, I assumed you were just being funny. For the record, I'm a Lowry fan. I loved my time there. Thanks for being such great hosts.
I think your wife and I could be good friends cuz after I read your post I told Jamie that he needed to clarify that he did like Lowry and that he was sorry if he insulted anyone.
I agree with Gretchen. After I read other blog sites I could tell you guys all had a good time here and we loved having you here. I told Luke, my husband, that not everyone knows when you are being sarcastic on the internet! He did inform me that he spent time with Jamie on Firday and that he would understand. I just wasn't sure if that was adequate time. If you ever want to come back our doors are open...I recommend the fourth of July or sometime when we have a barn dance.
now that we've all kissed and made up... :)
Heidi and I are back now and we are so grateful to you all for your friendship. Thank you to all who came out to Lowry for our day, we love you all. And to those who were not able to be there we missed you and wish you could have been with us.
As far as all the quazi "west side story" talk going on concerning Lowry, it is a town worth talking about. Also, in my brief time visiting Lowry I have noticed the dramatic increase in population, something needs to be done about the traffic. Perhaps a beltway.
But as far as the fire fighting I think Lowry is in good hands.
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